# Reports

Baselime reports are a powerful tool that enable you to compare the state of a service before and after making changes. By incorporating Baselime reports into your CI/CD pipeline, you can see the impact of changes in production. This improves the reliability of your deployments and enables you to build self-healing systems.

For example, if a report after deployment fails, you can roll back or roll forward to ensure the stability of your service.

Here is an example of how you can use the baselime report command in a GitHub Action to compare the state of a service before and after a deployment:

name: Deploy Service
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Take snapshot before deployment
        run: baselime report github --repo $github.GITHUB_REPOSITORY --commit $github.GITHUB_SHA --github-token $secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN
      - name: Run deployment
        run: npm run deploy
      - name: Wait 5 minutes
        run: sleep 300
      - name: Take snapshot after deployment
        run: baselime report github --repo $github.GITHUB_REPOSITORY --commit $github.GITHUB_SHA --github-token $secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN

This workflow takes a snapshot with baselime report github before and after running the deployment script (npm run deploy). The reports are posted on the commit that triggered the workflow. By comparing the two snapshots, you can see how the deployment affected your service and take appropriate action.

# Running a report

To run a report, use the baselime report command. By default, this will create a snapshot of all the alerts in the current service, display the results in the terminal, and save them to a file.

baselime report

To publish a report to GitHub, run:

baselime report github